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Relationship Detectives for Before Your Love Story Turns a Nightmare

You feel the tug and smile at the person sitting across the bar. Heart beating, both of you make the moves and start talking, and the next thing you know, it’s 2 AM – time flies when you find that perfect someone. That’s what happened with Ann, a divorcee when she met Carl at a bar lounge one fine night. But her story doesn’t end there.

When Love Stories Go Wrong

Every year, on average 10 million cases of domestic abuse are reported, most of which are love stories gone wrong. According to the CDC, 1 out of 3 women are abused by their partners and startlingly 1 out of 4 men face similar situations. But the issue is, that history repeats itself even though we can stop it. Ann’s story is not just about love turning sour. It’s been a costly experience for her; she lost her dignity, money, as well as relationships with her parents and family members. How can you prevent this from happening to you?

How it all Started?

It all started at a bar lounge where Ann often hung out when her kids went to stay with their father. She always went to the same place as it had a bowling alley, pool table, and karaoke; the people were really friendly and it offered her a chance to practice her bowling as she was good at it. The best thing about this place was that everyone knew everyone else and it was a safe place for her to be as she had no companion accompany her.

One night, while Ann was at the bowling alley, members of two gangs showed up and things got out of hand. Ann realized she was in the middle of their clash when they pulled out guns. To save herself, she made a dive toward safety and in trying to get away, landed on top of a Caucasian man who walked with a cane. She was horrified to see herself on top of a man who was also injured and apologized to him profusely but he was very casual about it.

The police were nearby so they took charge of the gang fight situation. They requested everyone to remain for questioning and their statements were taken. The man introduced himself as Carl began to talk to Ann and found that they liked each other. Since they had to wait for a long while, Ann and Carl had a long conversation till the bar’s closing time 2 A.M. and left with the promise to meet each other again.

Mistake Number One

Till this point, Ann’s story was no different from any other love story. What happened next should have raised alarm bells but Ann chose to endure it, and that was a mistake.

Things moved fast from then on – Ann started dating Carl and soon they began living together. She came to know that Carl was living on Social Security Income benefits while she worked full time. That didn’t bother her. If she’d thought about it, a background investigation would have helped Ann decide whether she wanted to go on with the relationship and save her the heartache and the pain.

The Red Flags

Things went out of hand when Carl deliberately got Ann pregnant so they had to elope to Lake Tahoe to get married. It was on their wedding night that Carl started to drink heavily and abused her with offensive, mean names; it was a shock for her as she’d never seen this side of him before. She wanted to annul the marriage then, but it was too late.

When her family got to know about it, they were not happy she married a man she barely knew. On top of it, Carl’s father outright expressed his disapproval and said to her, “If you think I’m going to take care of that baby, you are wrong. ”She did not understand why he said so because she had taken really good care of her children before and she intended to do the same with this child too.

Admittedly, the meddling parents and in-laws were annoying, they were the people who knew both of them best. If Ann had at least considered their concerns and got him checked out she would have realized what a fraud Carl was.

The Beginning of a Nightmare

Ann realized she was living a nightmare as soon as her marriage started. Not only did Carl’s drinking become worse, she also got to know that Carl was on Federal Parole when they got married. Worse, he kept on violating his Federal Probation and creating new cases through the state. The whole time that he was married to Ann, was spent in prison after every two months or so.

At home, Carl continued with his abusive behavior, even after their baby was born. Every time that he drank, he became mean and violent. He used to take all the fuses out of her jeep so her headlights, tail lights, dashboard lights, or any lights for that matter wouldn’t work, and she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere.

At times like these Ann called her friends, Dad, and others to the rescue. Carl often hogtied her, hit her, and choked her too. She would call the police to have him arrested to escape from him and stay alive.

Finally, she could endure it no more and decided to get a divorce. Before Ann had her marriage annulled, she found out that Carl was still married to his first wife and had not finished his divorce from her. She was Carl’s third wife and his abusive behavior was the same with other women as well.

Wake up Call

Ann’s story is a lesson for all those men and women out there who enter new relationships without knowing who the other person is, where he or she comes from, and if they are mentally and physically capable of having a normal relationship or not. If Ann had known Carl’s past, she would never have entered into are relationship with him or gotten pregnant which only caused her and her son a lot of heartache and problems later on.

Here’s a wake-up call for you. Seek help from reliable and professional investigative detectives who can help you deflect such dangerous and criminal-minded people before you end up in a serious relationship. When you meet someone for the first time who seems to be perfect, it is best that you get their background checked by a reliable and authentic relationship detective in Los Angeles as they have access to resources that common people don’t. They check out their backgrounds, and criminal records as well as their past and present to ensure that they are really what they are telling you about their home, job, assets, and anything else that matters to you. Austin Investigations, get you the facts.

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